Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Helter Skelter Take 21

Hard to believe I am at the beginning of my 21st year on faculty at Briercrest College. This semester looks to be another doozy: four different courses plus a conference paper to write on a topic unrelated to anything I will be teaching this fall. And, alas, two summers on, I have not quite finished work on my response to Jason Staples's reading of Josephus. 

On the positive side, I've taught all four classes multiple times before, I'm grateful to get paid to study the Bible and to teach it to students who care about what they are learning … and I'm looking forward to a sabbatical in the winter semester. Bring it on!

Unlike two earlier beginning-of-semester posts from fifteen and sixteen years ago, the aspirational soundtrack for the semester is not U2's cover of the Beetle's song that lends this post its name, but this rather more tame ballad by Randy Stonehill: