To overcome the terror of the blank screen and the blinking cursor threatening to erase my ideas in the process of fashioning them into words, I often scribble everything from emails to academic essays on paper first. This is an inefficient process, I know, but it beats staring off into space watching my thoughts collide. And it means nothing is lost. I can always go back after a false start. It also allows me to work simultaneously on the half dozen or so different ideas jostling for my attention at the same time. The filtering process comes later as I try to decipher what I have written and determine what ideas the scattered notes refer to.
So goes the theory. Sometimes, however, even pen and ink is no use:

At the end of this scribbling exercise, with my internal hamster fallen hard off its wheel, I put down my fountain pen, picked up my camera, and then started work on this blog post:

Time for a new blank page...
I think this is a great post! Perhaps you should get writer's block more often...
I should take more pictures...or maybe I should just post more pictures--makes a blog interesting.
Hey David! Found your blog when I plugged "Caronport" into Google blogsearch. I'll have a look around! I hope you will add baby photos when the time comes!
Thanks for the comment, Erin. I'm sure a baby photo or two will show up presently.
I have no idea if you'll see this comment, as this post is old. But I'm interested in both your way of collecting ideas (similar to mine) and what kind(s) of fountain pen(s) you use!
You should do a post about fountain pens...
Thanks for the comment, Marc. I assume you got here, via this recent post. I'll keep your suggestion about fountain pens in mind.
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