The obvious contrast with R. Simlai is Paul, who--according to most modern translations of Romans 1:16--applies Hab 2:4 to faith in Christ. Many people see in Luke-Acts a similar contrast between salvation by faithfulness to the law of Moses and salvation by faith in Christ.
When it is mapped onto Luke's covenant language (including explicit statements as well as indirect allusions), the result is something like this:

As I suggested in an earlier post, I suspect Luke included the Sinai covenant as part and parcel of the covenants with Abraham and David. But however much we see the Sinai covenant as designed to achieve the same goal as the Abrahamic covenant (i.e., worship; cf. Luke 1:74; Acts 7:17), I now think something like the diagram must be correct. At Sinai, the people were instructed to hear the law as mediated by Moses. In Acts, the proper response to hearing the message about the risen Jesus is faith (e.g., Acts 4:4). The interpretation of the parable of the sower in Luke 8:11-15, which--unlike Mark and Matthew--emphasizes belief/faith, confirms that Luke's typical way of talking about the process of becoming a Christ-follower includes "faith."
The problem comes when one takes a flying leap off the Mount of Transfiguration into Post-Pentecost Acts, skipping over the immediate context with its emphasis on carrying one's cross, losing one's life, and following Jesus. Once again, faith, for Luke, cannot be separated from fidelity to Jesus, which issues in a life of faithful obedience.
In the end this is not so different from Paul, whose comment about the "obedience of faith" in Romans 1:5 (cf. 15:18) indicates that the obedience God calls for is faith and that this faith will be marked by obedience.
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